[ Article ]
Seoul Journal of Economics - Vol. 18, No. 3, pp.261-276
ISSN: 1225-0279
Print publication date 31 Aug 2005
Received 30 Jul 2004
Revised 09 Jun 2005
A Higher Corporate Profit Tax May Lead to a Welfare Improvement in a Fair Rate-of-Return Regulated Monopoly
Chin Wei Yang ; S. N. Sohng ; John A. Fox
JEL classification: L51
Well-known in the literature, a profit tax on an unregulated monopoly will not alter the optimal position of price and output. Given that unregulated monopoly is few and far in between, it has little practical relevance. This paper presents for the first time a paradox: A profit tax can indeed alter the optimal price and output and as such may lead to a welfare improvement in the case of a rate-of-return-regulated monopoly. In addition, it does not require extraneous assumptions of increasing returns to scale and/or very convex demand curve.
Regulated monopoly profit taxReferences
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