[ Article ]
Seoul Journal of Economics - Vol. 18, No. 3, pp.249-259
ISSN: 1225-0279
Print publication date 31 Aug 2005
Received 17 Mar 2005
Revised 23 Jun 2005
Group Size and Heterogeneity in the Private Provision of Public Goods
Ratna K. Shrestha ; Kwang Soo Cheong
JEL Classification: H41
The traditional approach to voluntary provision of pure public goods typically models the factors of group heterogeneity and group size in a piecemeal fashion and fails to explain salient empirical observations. Integrating both factors into a single model, we examine how they interact with each other to determine the structure of Nash equilibrium, and show that this model is indeed useful in making realistic predictions.
Private provision of public goods, Group size and heterogeneityReferences
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