Blurred Boundaries between Firms, and New Boundaries within (Large Multinational) Firms: The Impact of Decentralized Networks for Innovation
JEL Classification: D21, F23, L14, O32
Changes in the environment for international business activities have facilitated more open networked formations, both within and between firms. The spread of more open networks for innovation is increasingly blurring the boundaries between firms. Yet in contrast, more open relationships within large multinational corporations imply that some new boundaries are being correspondingly erected between different sub-units of the firm. A critical feature of more open structures is that internal and external networks have become more closely connected to one another.
Theory of the firm, Internal and External networks, Open networks, Innovation, Open innovation, Multinational corporationsAcknowledgments
I am grateful for the comments and suggestions of Keun Lee, David Mowery, and participants in the CAS workshop on Innovation in Firms, held in Oslo, and in the Asia Pacific Innovation Conference, held in Seoul.
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