[ Article ]
Seoul Journal of Economics - Vol. 38, No. 1, pp.69-83
ISSN: 1225-0279
Print publication date 28 Feb 2025
Received 15 Jan 2025
Accepted 15 Jan 2025
Identifying Fixed-effects Models with Heterogeneous Coefficients
Wooyong Lee
JEL Classification: C23
This review provides an introduction to identification and estimation methods for fixed-effects models with heterogeneous coefficients, which require identification strategies that are notably different from those for standard fixed-effects models. The strategies imply consistent estimation methods for the parameters of interest, which are also different from those used in standard fixed-effects models. As an introductory review, this work defers detailed implementation procedures for the estimation methods to future studies.
Fixed effects, Difference-in-differences models, Panel data models, Unobserved heterogeneityReferences
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