A Local Premium and Fluctuations: An Empirical Study on KorBit and the International Market
JEL Classification: C32; C58; G15
Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009, has attracted considerable attention. The price of Bitcoin rose from $500 in the year 2014 to $70,000 in 2021, an astonishing 14,000% increase in the value, showing that it is a highly speculative asset. The Korean virtual currency exchange, KorBit, has emerged as a significant player in the global Bitcoin market, gaining considerable attention with a nontrivial premium known as the “kimchi premium”. We investigate how the Bitcoin’s value fluctuates and co-fluctuates across two markets of KorBit and international Bitcoin market (IntBit) based on a multivariate GARCH. We also explore what factors drive a relatively high yield and fluctuations in KorBit over IntBit. We have found that when the volatilities of Bitcoin’s yields in the two markets are contemporaneously high with a premium in KorBit, the correlation of the yields between the two markets decreases and highly fluctuates. We have also found that a relatively high yield of Bitcoin and its fluctuations in KorBit are mainly caused by depreciation of the Korean won and gains of KOSPI over S&P500.
Bitcoin, multivariate GARCH, kimchi premiumAcknowledgments
The authors thank Jae-Won Lee and two anonymous referees for helpful comments on the earlier version of this papar. This work was supported by the Research Grant, no. 0405-20190001, of the Center for National Competitiveness at the Institute of Economic Research Seoul National University.
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