[ Article ]
Seoul Journal of Economics - Vol. 12, No. 3, pp.295-305
ISSN: 1225-0279
Print publication date 31 Aug 1999
Received Jan 1998
Revised May 1999
Debt Financing with Limited Liability and Quantity Competition
Krishnendu Ghosh Dastidar
JEL Classification: L13
In this paper we extend some results of Brander and Lewis (1986). In particular, we show that their main theorem, as it is stated, is not true. We provide the correct and extended version of that result and also discuss how this approach can be used to probe into some well known Industrial Organisation results.
I am indebted to Anjan Mukherji and Kunal Sengupta for this paper. Comments by two referees of this journal were extremely helpful. Ananya Ghosh Dastidar and Dipankar Sengupta were a great help while I was revising the paper.
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