[ Article ]
Seoul Journal of Economics - Vol. 21, No. 2, pp.265-283
ISSN: 1225-0279
Print publication date 31 May 2008
Received 29 Jan 2008
Transposable and Non Transposable Lessons from the Transition Experience
Gerard Roland
JEL Classification: P20, P26, P36
In this paper we ask what are the transposable and non transposable experiences from the transition from socialism to capitalism. We ask these questions with special reference to the future transition in North Korea. We discuss transposability for three important dimensions of transition: price liberalization, privatization and institutional reform.
Transition, North Korea, Institutions, Reforms, TransplantationAcknowledgments
Keynote lecture for the conference “Experience of Transition Economics and Implications for North Korea”, Seoul National University January 18 2008.
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