[ Article ]
Seoul Journal of Economics - Vol. 22, No. 2, pp.245-262
ISSN: 1225-0279
Print publication date 31 May 2009
Received 14 Jan 2009
Revised 24 Mar 2009
Group Bargaining with Representation
Suchan Chae
JEL Classification: C71, C72, C78
We study a strategic bargaining model where two groups of individuals first choose their representatives, who then bargain with each other using a standard alternating-offer protocol, and then the shares of the members of a group are determined by a similar n-person bargaining process within the group. We show that there exists a unique perfect equilibrium outcome of this three-stage game when the breakdown probabilities of both the inter-group bargaining and intra-group bargaining are small. In equilibrium, each group selects as its representative an individual who has the greatest marginal gain from increasing the group’s share.
Group bargaining, Nash bargaining solution, Representation, DelegationReferences
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