[ Article ]
Seoul Journal of Economics - Vol. 33, No. 1, pp.1-17
ISSN: 1225-0279
Print publication date 29 Feb 2020
Received 24 Apr 2019
Revised 19 Sep 2019
Accepted 20 Sep 2019
Management Ownership and Firm Value: An Empirical Analysis using Panel Data
Sang-Mook Lee ; Keunkwan Ryu
JEL Classification: C23, C81, D23
A majority of existing empirical studies report different relation between ownership and firm value using different sets of cross-sectional data. In this paper, we re-estimate the relation between management ownership and firm value after controlling for the history of management ownership as well as inter-firm differences using a panel data set. Further, we consider the possibility that the current ownership structure is jointly determined with the firm value, an endogeneity argument a la Demsetz (1983). We find that history of the management ownership, not its current level, matters in determining the firm value, which is consistent with information asymmetry arguments.
Convergence-of-interest, Entrenchment, Information asymmetry, Management ownership, Panel dataReferences
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