Competition and Innovation Spillover
JEL Classification: L6, O3, O4
This study examines the relationship between the two sides of innovation of research and development (R&D) and competition. By analyzing the Korean firm-level data from 2000 to 2015, we find that competition is an important factor for innovation spillovers. In addition, decreasing competition magnifies the spillover effect. The net effect of the total spillover diminishes sales and productivity as competition decreases. Lack of competition weakens the commonly known relation that R&D exhibits a positive spillover effect on growth.
Innovation, Productivity, Spillovers, CompetitionAcknowledgments
We would like to thank the anonymous reviewer and editor for constructive comments and suggestions. This paper is developed based on Chapter 3 of Korea’s Road to an Innovation Economy: Enhancing Productivity through Structural Transformation and Institutional Reform, “Market Competition and Spillover Effect,” from KDI Research Monograph (forthcoming).
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