[ Article ]
Seoul Journal of Economics - Vol. 23, No. 1, pp.123-144
ISSN: 1225-0279
Print publication date 28 Feb 2010
Received 31 Jan 2010
Revised 16 Feb 2010
The Role of Macroeconomic Policy in China’s High Economic Growth amidst the Global Financial Crisis
Xu Mingqi
JEL Classification: E22, E50, E63
On 22 January 2010, the Chinese State Statistical Bureau announced that the 2009 Chinese economic growth rate remained at 8.7 percent, which fulfilled the 8 percent target preset by the central government at the end of 2008. Many celebrated this achievement, attributing the stimulated economy to government economic policy. This paper analyzes how the macroeconomic policy of the Chinese government contributed to economic growth even under the global financial crisis. The present effects of this policy and its implications on the future are also examined.
China's economic growth, Macroeconomic policy, Stimulus packageReferences
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