Seoul Journal of Economics
[ Article ]
Seoul Journal of Economics - Vol. 33, No. 2, pp.233-263
ISSN: 1225-0279 (Print)
Print publication date 30 May 2020
Received 04 May 2020 Revised 12 May 2020 Accepted 12 May 2020

Consumption Risk Sharing in East Asia and Economic, Social, and Political Globalization

Joongsan Ko
Joongsan Ko, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Economics, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, South Korea, Tel: +82-2-880-6359

JEL Classification: F02, F15, F36, F60


This study investigates the relationship between economic, social, and political globalization and consumption risk sharing in East Asia by utilizing the 2019 version of the KOF globalization indices. To this end, this study uses the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the Eurozone as comparison regions. Findings show that economic and social globalization contributed to the improvements in consumption risk sharing among East Asian countries in 1970–2017, but political globalization did not. This result implies that the collapse of economic and social networks resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic might have a negative effect on consumption risk sharing in East Asia. Differences in the effects between de facto and de jure globalization on risk sharing and changes in the effect of globalization on risk sharing before and after the 1997–1998 Asian financial crisis are also discussed.


Consumption risk sharing, COVID-19, East Asia, Globalization


I thank anonymous referees for the helpful comments and suggestions.


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